Congratulatory Message to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) by the President of International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)  2021-08-16

On July 21, 2021, the CSRME received a letter from Professor Re?at Ulusay, the president of the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM). He sent congratulatory message to the 23rd Annual Meeting of the China Association for Science and Technology, and expressed in the letter: sincere thanks to Dr. Lyu Zhaoping, Executive Secretary of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), for his very kind invitation to me to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony of the 23rd Annual Meeting of CAST. I am very glad to congratulate the Organizing Committee of this meeting and all the people participating to this grand event which has a great influence in China and forms a platform for CAST to serve socio-economic, promote international exchanges and cooperation and facilitate innovation and development.

Professor Re?at Ulusay, as the ISRM president, highly affirmed the support and contribution made by the CSRME (one of the member societies of CAST) and Chinese experts to the development of ISRM, including hosting international congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops and lecture tours in China; organizing a large amount of Chinese scholars to participate in ISRM academic activities and present papers; actively participating in the work of ISRM Board and ISRM Commissions as chairmen and commission member; providing support for ISRM Education Fund; having won many ISRM Best Performing National Group Awards. All of the above are the clear evidences to prove their contribution to the development of ISRM, and also show that the CSRME will continue to make contribution to CAST and ISRM.

Finally, Professor Re?at Ulusay expressed his wish that everyone can get success, new harvest and happiness in this event, and believed that this meeting will enhance the friendship and motivation among Chinese Scientific and Technological Communities.

Attachment: Original Letter

Prof. Dr. Reşat Ulusay
President of International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM)


First of all, sincere thanks to Dr. Lyu Zhaoping, Executive Secretary of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), for his very kind invitation to me to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony of the 23rd Annual Meeting of CAST. I am very glad to congratulate the Organizing Committee of this meeting and all the people participating to this grand event which has a great influence in China and forms a platform for CAST to serve socio-economic, promote international exchanges and cooperation and facilitate innovation and development.  

Based on my knowledge, the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME) is one of the member societies of CAST. As the President of the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, I cannot fail do recognizing the strong input that the ISRM has received from CSRME and the colleagues from China. Organization of congresses and a number of ISRM sponsored symposia, conferences, workshops and lecture tours in China, large amount of participations from China to all ISRM events with presentations of papers, contributions to the ISRM Board and to ISRM Commissions as chairman and commission member, support to the ISRM Education Fund, as the winner of some Best Performing National Group Awards and other activities are the clear evidences of the strong input, support and cooperation by the Chinese National Group of Rock Mechanics and Engineering. All these activities indicate that CSRME will continue to provide contributions to CAST and ISRM. 
Good wishes all of you for a successful, fruitful and nice event which will also enhance the friendships and motivation of the science and all technology in China.