During February-March 2022, the CSRME organized a series of conferences with the theme of "Science and Technology Innovation Serving National Major Projects".
On the morning of January 30, 2022 (Beijing Time), Academician He Manchao, the President of the CSRME, and Dr. Gang Han, the President of the ARMA jointly held the second presidential meeting.
On November 5-7, 2021, a CSRME Top-level Forum "The 2021 International Workshop on Underground Oil/Gas Storage (IWUOGS 2021)" co-sponsored by the CSRME and Northeastern University was successfully held
The results of the 2021 academician cooptation (Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering) were officially announced on November 18, 2021
In order to better support the major national projects, and effectively solve the complex scientific problems and engineering technical problems encountered in the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway
On October 28, 2021, the papers presented at the 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium were officially published online by IOP Publishing (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science) (Volume 861, 2021).